Computer hardware electric concept

BASIC ELECTRIC CONCEPT VOLTAGE SOURCE-an ideal DC voltage source simplest exemple of an ideal dc voltage source is perfect whose internal resistance is zero. Fig 2.1 show such a circuit. As you can see an ideal voltage source is connected to load resistance of 1 oom. The voltemetar read 10V exectly the same as the source voltage
FIG-2.1 picture. SECOND APROXIMATION an ideal voltage source is a theroitical device whichcotain which cannot exist in nature.why? When the lead resistance approches zero,the load current approches infinity. No real voltage source always has same internal resistance. The second approximation of a voltage source include this interlal resistance. Fig 2.2 shows this idea. A source resistance rs of 1oom is now in serise with the ideal battery. The voltmeter read 5v becausethe load current is 10v divided by 2 oom or 5A.


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